My services
Reiki and Crystal Healing
In-Studio Reiki, Tibetan Singing Bowl, Clairvoyant & Medium sessions
Promotes overall well being balancing spiritual, emotional and physical energies.
Facilitates natural self-healing, relief of symptoms, and the reduction of stress and anxiety.
Reiki Healing for animals
In-studio, In-home, In-Barn, or outside reiki session
Crystals may or may not be used depending upon the animal
Promotes a peaceful and meditative type response
Reduces stress and anxiety and helps bring on relaxation.
Personal experience with cats, dogs, wolves, horses, squirrels, parakeets, parrots, and guinea pigs.
Home Cleansing
I come to your home to cleanse it of negative energies and invite in positive, loving energies.
This is done with the use of crystals, sage, palo santo, and a myriad of other herbs. The herbs are typically burnt and the smoke “smudges” the home. Please let Judi know in advance if burning herbs is not desired in your home so she can use other methods (e.g. sprays)
Benefits of smudging:
Sage smoke is antimicrobial and antibacterial and can be a help to people with respiratory conditions - just remember to wait until the smoke has fully cleared before going back into the room.
Spiritual hygiene - The ritual of smudging welcomes good, positive, loving energy into the home and helps to remove negative or stagnant energies.
May help with sleep quality, moods, cognition, energy level, and feeling of overall well being.
Reiki Attunements
In-Studio attunements
Level 1
Level 2
Reiki Master